HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Wishing you peace, happiness and love for the holidays and lots of awesome things in the new year!
rather than reinterating the meaning of Christmas ... click here to see what Christmas in our family is all about... i'm not sure the relevance of the uncle thing though, all i know is that he looks at me and says "deb?" like he's not sure that's my name. the other thing he does is say "deb-bie" while he nods at me like i'm supposed to answer with a yes no matter what my name is. i think he's just that way. perhaps he just guesses at everybody's names each year... or maybe he does actually say each person's name like it's a question. my name is always followed by a confident "whew, i got it right!!" smile when i acknowledge it with a "Merry Christmas!".
we will be having a huge dinner tomorrow too. a potluck and, as congee mentioned, i too often think that my mom and one or two others do most of the cooking. that's ok i guess, cuz she doesn't seem to mind and i like her cooking. i was going to actually bring some food myself this year, but i didn't get a chance to go shopping before and today the stores were just too packed and i lost all motivation. i did inspire my brother to make some sort of scalloped potato dish instead of mashed potatos. maybe i'll make some sweet potato something. i really like sweet potatoes. i hope we're not eating leftovers all week though. there's always too much food.
my brother is also cooking a huge breakfast for all of us. i think the ability to cook is a good trait to possess. i used to tell him that he should learn to cook well to snag himself a great wife. i'm not sure that would actually snag him a wife, but he'd def. be a great catch for someone one day.
we opened presents tonight - that's part of our tradition, opening presents at midnight on christmas eve. Christmas is soo much more fun with kids around. i love just watching the kids open their presents. skye got a gajillion dvd's. she will be sitting in front of the tv for a long time - spongebob season 2, princess diaries 2, elf, harry potter and some others i don't recall. sama got a few too.. star wars trilogy, Simpsons Season 5 (she's already got 1 to 4) and some others, i think. i got Mulan. I love Mulan. My tattoo is from the movie Mulan.....
it was so much fun watching jordan open her presents. she got tonnes of stuff but the thing she loved most was her flash cards. gotta love that. all those brightly coloured toys that beep and play tunes, that sings to her and recites the alphabet. LOL.. none of those amused her much - she just wanted the flash cards :)
i also went to mass today. ended up going to a chinese mass which was cool - in some chinese baptist church or something. i'll admit though that i only understood about 50% of it and after a while i found that i was concentrating so hard i got sleepy and then at some point i must have dozed off. i think. not sure though.
i think yves and i are going to try out some different churches over the next year or so. different religions, churches, whatever. catholocism just doesn't sit right with either of us most of the time, especially seeing some of the devout catholics i've known. they ruin it for everyone... LOL
yes. the kris kringle swap was partially my brainchild perhaps entirely my brainchild but i can't remember, it was long ago. just makes things a bit more fun ... and funny for those of us who just like to watch and laugh at the interaction, etc.. like the one family who kept on re-gifting the same stupid glass bowl with flowers on it year after year after year... and finally gave that dumb bowl in the same Christmas wrapping paper to me for my housewarming a couple years ago in February (which still sits in my basement btw, hmmm maybe i should wrap it up and give it to congee99)... we had to make a NO REGIFTING rule just so they don't keep on passing on the same gifts around. "no regifting" should not have to be a rule but unfortunately in my family, it had to be implemented. and yes, in case you can't tell, i'm still bitter about that dumb bowl - stupid housewarming gift. however, i must give credit to some people though. some gifts are awesome finds for $10 and those are the ones that make the game worth playing....
d :)
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